The Great Mazurian Lakes trail
The Great Masurian Lakes are one of the most attractive regions of Poland, both from the landscape and the tourist poin of view. It is the largest in Poland complex of lakes joined by canals, which forms a water trail of an unique charm. The extraordinary richness of the fauna and flora distinguishes this region against the rest of Poland.
The Great Masurian Lakes are placed in the eastern part of the Masurian Lake Disctrict, and are surrounded by the complex of primeval forests of Puszcza Piska (from the south) and Puszcza Borecka (from the east). From the north, it borders with the land of Wêgorapa (Kraina Wêgorapy), while from the west with the Mr±gowskie Lake District (Pojezierze Mr±gowskie). The landscape was formed during the pomeranian phase of the Baltic glaciation. The retreating glacier was raising the moraine hills, made of gravel, clay and rocks. The parallel rows creates the hills of the terminal moraine. Between them, in depressions, the glacier left large bodies of the still ice, which after smelting filled the basins and gullies with water. The retreateing glacier has also left the basins of ground moraines, where the peatbogs, bogs and shallow lakes were formed in the course of time.
The lakes are joined by the system of canals and their waters level is balanced up to 116m high. The lakes waters flows out in two directions – through the Wêgorapa river, having its source in Mamry Lake, to Prego³a river, and via Pisa river (flowing our from Ro¶ Lake), through the Narew river – to the Vistula river.
On the teritory of the Great Masurian Lakes many nature reserves were established, such as: Islands on Mamry Lake, Dobskie Lake, Islands on Kisajno Lake, Ko¿uchy Lake – all of which are a mainstay for different species of water fowl: Northern Shoveler, Great Crested Grebe, Eurasian Coot and Black-Headed Gull. The Eurasian (Great) Bitterns, Little Bitterns and Water Rails are nesting in the reeds. Cormorants and Herons are also numerous there. A very typical lake species is the Mute Swan (its large colony is located at £ukajno lake). One can also meet there the Black Storks, Northern Lawpigs, Common Snipes and Ruffs. At the forest bogs the Common Cranes can be met as well as various birds of prey: Black Kite, Lesser Spotted Eagles and White-Tailed Eagles.
Another tourists and recreational value of the Northern Masuria is Puszcza Borecka – the only remnant of the primeval forest in this region. The most valuable elements of the 250 km2 of the virgin forest are protected now – there are 4 reserves there with a total area of over 650 ha. On the south of the Masurian Lake District there is Puszcza Piska – the biggest forest complex on this teritory. There are mostly pine-spruce forests with a numerous deciduoud trees. The characteristics of the Puszcza Piska is the lack of the beech, which is replaced there by the hornbeam.
The Great Masurian Lakes trail
The Great Masurian Lakes trail consists of several dozen of lakes joined with canals, as well as several hundred kilometers of navigable waterways. Its beginning is at Mamry lake on the north, which, through the Kirsajty lake is joined with the vast Dargin lake. To sail to the south, through the Kisajno Lake, we get to the Niegocin lake. The Niegocin lake is changing over to the ribbon lake: Ryñskie, Ta³ty, Miko³ajskie, Be³dany and Nidzkie. It is joined with them with a system of canals and ribbon lakes, such as Jagodne, Szymoneckie, Szymon and Ta³towisko. The largest lake in Poland – ¦niardwy – is located on the east of Miko³ajskie lake.
The Great Masurian Lakes trail closes the Ros lake.
Weekend cruise (Friday-Sunday)
1 day: PTTK Wilkasy (Concert at the tavern)
2 day: Kietlice nad Mamrami ( Bonfire accompanied by guitar)
3 day: Sztynort (The Palace of the Lehndorf family) and return
7 day cruise – Northern route
1 day: PTTK Wilkasy (Concert at the tavern)
2 day: Giżycko (fortress Boyen)
3 day: Sztynort (The Palace of the Lehndorf Family)
4 day: Węgorzewo (KEJA Tavern and shanties song’s concert)
5 day: Mamerki (Bunkers from World War II).
6 day: Kietlice nad Mamrami
7 day: PTTK Wilkasy (concert)
7 day cruise – Southern route
1 day: PTTK Wilkasy (Concert at the tavern)
2 day: Rydzewo (Gospoda Pod Czarnym Łabędziem)
3 day: Mikołajki (Aquapark, Sailor’s Village)
4 day: Wierzba (Winehouse, wild horses).
5 day: Ruciane Nida (The Guzianka Lock)
6 day: Ryn (The Castle of the Teutonic Order)
7 day: PTTK Wilkasy (concert)